Sunday, May 22, 2011

Elizabeth dressed up as a Ninja Turtle

Elizabeth dressed up as a Ninja Turtle today and was karate chopping everything.

Brandon lost his first tooth last night

Brandon lost his first tooth last night, he is hoping the tooth fairy comes tonight :)

Brandon also bought a new tennis racket and tennis balls with his pocket money yesterday. He tried it out in the backyard with Mum, Dad, Elizabeth and Schrod.

Elizabeth at ANZAC Day March

Elizabeth marched with the preschool for the first in the ANZAC day march.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Dad and Brandon checking out the planets

Dad and Brandon got up at 6am this morning to check out the Planets (Jupiter, Venus. Mercury and Mars), it was the first morning we have had clear skies to see the alignment of the four planets.

Elizabeth was to cold and tired to get up :(

The bright planet in the photo is Venus and the planet above it is Jupiter, Mercury is just to the right of Venus and Mars is directly below Venus (you can't really see Mercury and Mars in the picture), but you could see them with the naked eye.

Brandon and Elizabeth looking at the moon

Brandon and Elizabeth using the telescope to look at the craters on the moon.

Brandon "we have the telescope and use it to look at the moon and the planets"

Elizabeth "it was the best, I saw craters"

Brandon's Principal Award

Brandon received a principal's award last Tuesday for "an enthusiastic, hardworking student who always gives 100% to all classroom tasks"

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Brandon starts soccer for 2011

Brandon started his second week of soccer on the weekend. Brandon scored a great goal from the corner.